Teamlyzer, the better alternative to Glassdoor for Portuguese IT crowd, is the first platform for workplace reviews timestamping its content to blockchain. This web application has an archive with interviews and jobs reviews accessible to everyone and moderated by other members in a model of peer review where you can gain more privileges by increasing your reputation.
An independent project totally bootstrapped by the community aiming to help ICT professionals finding the real and unbiased best companies to work for in Portugal.
To advocate transparency, Teamlyzer is now timestamping the reviews to network mainnet a shared, universal ledger designed to track ownership and attribution for the world’s digital creative assets.
The starting point was the concern about honest reviews that are removed by some other platforms. In Teamlyzer, by default, it’s impossible to remove or edit any approved review as it’s used immutable timestamps to prove that each review was published at a specific date.
In this way Teamlyzer guarantees:
– Reviews can’t be deleted;
– Reviews can’t be changed or edited;
– A trusted timestamping history as a proven fact checking.
Since 2017, Teamlyzer has built a community that has already more than 2100 engaged ICT professionals, 1900 tech companies and 1200 specialized reviews about the Portuguese IT sector.
Dinis Monteiro is an active tech entrepreneur, researcher and lazy investor. Master’s degree in Open Source Software. As a lifelong student of hiring, he is also the founder of Teamlyzer, the leading online platform to understand compensation and culture of portuguese IT industry.
Dinis Monteiro – Founder