Bitget Wallet Lite, the world’s leading non-custodial Telegram wallet with 10 million users, has launched Swap features for seamless multi-chain transactions within Telegram. The update supports popular blockchains including Ethereum, Solana, Base, Tron, BNB, Arbitrum, Optimism, TON, and Polygon.
The Swap feature integrates cross-chain bridges and aggregators, simplifying the trading process. With advanced routing algorithms, users can quickly find the best trading paths, optimizing both speed and efficiency. Additional features like automatic slippage adjustment, MEV protection, and customizable gas fees ensure secure transactions for high-frequency and large-volume trading. The wallet also introduces a Market module for real-time asset prices and performance tracking.
Bitget Wallet Lite is designed for ease of use, making Web3 as simple as Web2. It includes social trading features that allow users to share tokens, view leaderboards, and display yields while interacting with friends on Telegram. The wallet aggregates assets, liquidity, and opportunities across blockchains, eliminating the need for multiple wallets and making Web3 exploration more convenient.
Using cloud-stored mnemonic technology, Bitget Wallet Lite ensures that private keys remain under users’ control, enhancing security. The integration with Telegram allows for one-click login and easy asset synchronization, with instant transaction notifications. The wallet also supports leading decentralized applications (DApps) for on-chain exploration.
“Bitget Wallet Lite is bridging Telegram and the blockchain ecosystem, empowering users to trade across multiple chains with simplicity and security,” said Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet. “Our goal is to onboard the next billion users into Web3, making their transition from Web2 to decentralized finance seamless.”
Swap feature is now available on Bitget Wallet Lite: