Ex-president of the South American country met with Vitalik Buterin and called Ethereum one of the major innovative technologies of the century.

Ethereum is among most innovative decentralised technologies of the current century, believes Mauricio Macri, a businessman and former president of Argentina, posting on Twitter his encounter with Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin.
Encuentro fascinante con Vitalik Buterin, creador de Ethereum, una de las tecnologías descentralizadas más innovadoras de nuestro siglo. Su moneda Ether es una de las mejor valuadas del mundo. Charlamos sobre el rol de las crypto y las oportunidades de blockchain para los estados pic.twitter.com/WRR8qaUma3
— Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) December 18, 2021
“Ether coin is one of the most valuable in the world. We’re discussing the role of cryptocurrency and opportunities of blockchain for governments,” wrote Macri.
The country displayed unparalleled interest in digital assets last year amid high inflation of the local currency when Argentinians began converting record sums into bitcoin.
Last week, BBVA’s Swiss office expanded its cryptocurrency custody and trading service, becoming the first bank in Europe to offer its clients investing in ether. The Swiss BBVA app allows users to automatically convert cryptocurrency into euros or dollars.