The first expert knowledge review event, also known as StudRate, will take place in Kyiv on March 2, 2019. StudUp, the international educational blockchain project, will host the event.
The project mission is to motivate young people to gain knowledge and become professionals in their respective field.
The focus of StudUp is to correctly assess young people’s knowledge that employers can rely on. Besides, the project will motivate students and university graduates to pursue more professional knowledge.
Every student and alumnus up to the age of 30 from universities around the world can participate in the annual StudRate expert knowledge assessment in their professional area. The test questions will be provided by accomplished employers from leading companies across industries. Also, for the first time Artificial Intelligence will be used during the tests. This will give the opportunity to AI developers to gain hands-on experience and find out how it can be implemented within companies.
Following the assessment, participants will be distributed rating points. The results will recorded on the blockchain, which will render them immutable.
Participants who do exceedingly well will get StudCoin tokens. Token holders will be able to sell them to employers. The employers will need them to pay for access to participants’ ratings of StudRate expert evaluation and can offer a job to those, whose knowledge has been already confirmed. Employers will be able to see participants’ answers to all questions.
This way young people can earn money thanks to their knowledge, whereas employers will have access to competent young specialists.
The first StudRate expert knowledge assessment will take place on March 2, 2019 in Kyiv in PR and Advertising. Participants can complete tests in the following areas: Marketing, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Copywriting, Publish Relations.
Test participation is free of charge.
As part of StudRate event, there will be the first competition for talents in Ukraine. Participants, receiving high ratings, will have a chance to make a pitch before employers. Employers then will talk to candidates during ‘speed mentoring’ session with a possibility of hiring them on the spot. Every partcipant can view employers’ presentations and apply for a job as well.
While the test will last there will take place an attempt to set the Ukrainian record “ The first simultaneous testing of specialists in “Advertising and PR”.
During the event, organisers will try to set ‘the first simultaneous testing of specialists in PR and Advertising’ record in Ukraine.
To participate, please apply through project’s website: