Finding a good-paying job that you really enjoy doing can be a challenge sometimes. To land your dream job, you may need to get more creative in your job search and dive into emerging industries like cryptocurrency. Emerging industries usually offer a lot of specialist job opportunities as the job market is usually not as saturated as more-established industries that have existed for a very long time. This does not mean finding a job in crypto is a simple walk-through. You will need to prove your worth to potential employers to land your dream crypto job.
Cryptocurrency is simply a peer-to-peer digital payment method that is not controlled by the government or third-party intermediaries. With the advent of so many crypto-based companies there is a rising demand for work professionals that are knowledgeable not only in their specialist field but also in how crypto works. Let’s take a look at the five steps to finding and getting hired for your dream crypto job.
Step 1: Learn How Cryptocurrencies Work
You may be considering working in the crypto industry now or in the near future. It is important to note that the first step to finding crypto jobs is to take some time to actually learn how the crypto industry works. You do not need to read for thousands of hours or go get a master’s degree in crypto technology. You just need to understand the fundamentals of how crypto works especially from the end-user perspective.
Basic concepts you need to be familiar with include: what is crypto, how to buy crypto, where to store crypto, and how crypto makes money, among others. It is important to know these basic concepts because as someone aspiring to be a part of a crypto company, you will definitely be working towards organizational goals that will most likely involve making the customer happy. Therefore, understanding crypto from the customers’ perspective helps prove to potential employers that you really understand what crypto users need.
Step 2: Evaluate your current skill set and how it relates to crypto
If you are reading this article, you most likely have some sort of skillset that you hope to apply in the crypto industry. Also, If you have applied step one stated above, you should have knowledge of crypto and most likely own some cryptocurrencies in your wallet. Now it is time to go and study how your current skill set uniquely applies to the crypto industry. For example, if you are currently a UI UX web designer, you should go ahead to study UI UX principles that are currently trending in the crypto industry.
Also, you can network with fellow professionals like yourself that are already established in the crypto space. You can easily do this through Linkedin. One thing you can do is to study their past and current job history in order to plan how your own career path will proceed after you get your first crypto job. If you intend to advance to very senior roles in the crypto industry, you will need to amass a few years of crypto-related industry experience. For many senior crypto roles, your previous work experience in other fields is not enough to get the job as you must have proven work experience in the crypto industry.
Step 3: Update Your Resume
This may seem like a very obvious step but it can be easily overlooked. It is important to reflect your crypto knowledge in your resume when looking for crypto jobs. By now, you should have some personal experience with crypto and a deep understanding of how your skills apply to the crypto industry.
You will need to show potential crypto employers some sort of work sample or experience that reflects your crypto knowledge. This does not need to be years of crypto-related experience. It could be as simple as a project idea you developed when applying steps one and two stated above. If you are a content writer, you can show crypto-specific articles. Just get creative and find a way to prove to potential employers that you can apply your specific skillset in the crypto industry.
Step 4: Search for Jobs and Apply
You now know how cryptocurrencies work, how Brise price and prices of other coins are culculated, and how your skill set applies to the industry, and have updated your resume. Congratulations, you have come far but it is not time to sit back to relax, there is still work to do. The Internet makes life so easy and you can browse jobs from the comfort of your home without physically knocking on companies’ doors. It will be so awkward, to physically go from one company to another asking for available job vacancies. That sounds so old school and you will most likely not be allowed to meet the key decision-makers and will rather be stopped and possibly turned back by gatekeepers like the security guards or receptionists.
Instead, you can perform a regular google search for broad search results. Though, if you want more refined results it is advisable to either use advanced google search operators or visit any crypto jobs board. When you find any job online, you can send a personalized message to any decision-maker in that company. If you can’t find the email of the decision maker you wish to email, you can use email look-up tools like to get almost any email address you desire.
Step 5: Wait Patiently, Believe, and Don’t Give Up
The previous steps from one to four may seem like a lot to go through but believe me they are the easiest parts of this process. The hardest part is to wait and be in expectation for an answer that will most likely define your future career. This can be particularly annoying when recruiters fail to respond to applications of candidates who were not successful. In times like this, it is very easy to lose hope and second-guess yourself. You are not alone.
When you finally get an interview invite, you need to prepare well. You should put extra time to study the company by visiting its websites and social media handles. Also, whenever you can, try never to lead a job application with salary expectations. Instead, focus on displaying (beyond any reasonable doubt) the value you can provide and show the hiring manager why you are the best person for the role. You have to sell yourself, don’t be shy and at the same time try not to sound arrogant. Even if an interview is unsuccessful, keep on sending job applications, never doubt your self-worth, and one day you will get the dream job you desire.
Conclusion on How to Find Crypto Jobs
The crypto industry is a rapidly developing industry and there is a rising demand for work professionals that are both knowledgeable about their skill set and how crypto works. There is a wide range of crypto jobs that are in demand. Some popular crypto jobs are Technical Writer, Business Development Representative, Marketing Manager, Web Developer, Financial Analyst, Data Scientist, Cryptocurrency Trader, Product Manager, Software Engineer, and Machine Learning Engineer.
You should know that getting a crypto job with an established company is not the only way to make money in the crypto industry. You can also get involved in mining bitcoin. Even if you can not find your own specific skill set in a company’s job openings, you can pitch your skills by sending an email to the appropriate decision-maker. This is more of cold emailing and the response rate is statistically an average of 1-5% but it will be definitely worth it when you finally get hired.