RichQUACK, a new hyper-deflationary token backed by a community of over 195,000 on Twitter and 65,000 on Telegram, launches its Earthling token, supporting RichQuack’s first incubated project, Earthling. The platform encourages positive environmental impact by supporting farmers with reforestation. Earthling empowers individuals, families, and businesses to take an active part in restoring nature by purchasing carbon credits that help eliminate carbon emissions.
The use of carbon credits, which incentivize companies and individuals to emit less carbon dioxide, is a valuable asset in the fight against climate change, making the world closer to becoming carbon neutral. The Katingan Mentaga Project, one of the largest emission reduction forest projects, has already generated enough carbon credits equivalent to taking 2 million cars off the road each year. The $1 billion carbon credit market continues to grow and has the potential for new opportunities for farmers, who can usually reduce emissions cheaper than large corporations.
The project’s Earthling token will be used to support funding for the whole project, rewarding users with carbon credits through staking. Earthling will make it easy to measure daily carbon emissions and offset your carbon footprint by buying carbon credit through the platform. Token holders will also become part of the Earthling DAO and have their say on potential projects to support and fund distribution between reforestation programs and non-profits. Earthling aims to become the leading platform for eco-education, help individuals and businesses remove one gigatonne of carbon and plant 10 million trees through its reforestation program by 2030.
“We are passionate about doing our part to prevent climate change and reduce carbon emissions,” says a member of the RichQUACK community. “We hope Earthlings will help unite crypto-enthusiasts worldwide to stop climate change and contain global warming. We are welcoming anyone who wants to make a difference and give people and organizations a chance to get on board with the great revival driven by responsibility and a sense of community.”
RichQUACK is a 100 percent community-driven hyper deflationary token, with high liquidity, offering high returns to investors, backed by a strong community of over 195,000 on Twitter and 65,000 on Telegram. RichQUACK’s token QUACK has strong utilities such as a launchpad, staking, and an incubated project, which empowers individuals, families, and businesses to take an active part in eliminating carbon emissions.